Monday 29 December 2014


A campus is traditionally the land on which a university or college and related institutional buildings are situated. It is a place where knowledge is acquired however, other extra-curricular activities go on in universities relationship is the most common of them all. Having a relationship on campus is not bad depending on what the individual seeks to achieve with his /her relationship.

Now do I need a relationship on campus is a very deep question only for the serious minded. Need is more important than want; it is something you cannot do without. The question is can you do without a relationship within your stay in the university? If your answer is yes then you don’t need a relationship until you are mentally ready…. If no ask yourself why. Am I getting old I can no longer wait? Am I bored or lonely? Am I sexually starve or inactive? If you answered yes to any of those then you don’t need a relationship instead you want a relationship….

Being bored should not be the reason you are going into a relationship because if your partner changes you will want somebody else. It does not even show your love for the person rather selfishness because you are using somebody’s time to keep yourself from being bored and lonely and by so doing, you will be playing with your partners feelings… why play with people’s feelings of all the toys in the world.

So also, wanting sex should not be the reason for going into a relationship because when you are done getting the sex and you need love but he/she can’t give you start to look for it elsewhere thereby causing you to taste and compare partners. So also sex can break the flow of communication in a relationship so let it not be your ulterior motive to date.

Age: this is mostly common among girls when they clock 26 to 30 they begin to seek marriage instead of sometimes, I hear girls say “my mates are all married” you are not your mates! Age should not be the reason you are going into a relationship else you become desperate and may fall into wrong hands instead set your priorities right before going into a relationship. Trust me late marriage is better than quick but divorce be wise!

you don’t need a relationship on campus because a need is something you cannot do without e.g breath, shelter, clothes etc… relationship is a want and one should go into it when ready for it.

Tracy K
Abugist Blog

1 comment:

  1. Very immaculate and illuminating piece.. however a debate as to d necessity of a relationship in the university is a personal decision as dere is no ryt or wrong I am of d opinion dt Love can be found anywhere like in the NYSC camp,in religious places and even online nd by extension a relationship.. pple have dated in sch and have gone on to get married...if love must be found at any point in tym dere must be a platform so as to the necessity of either of these platforms for me is quite unworthy a debate but rather I suggest this piece should seek to identify how to know real relationship and how to keep dem real...age,peer pressure and or all of dt myt like dis beautiful writer said have no bearing in making the decisions of wen to date but dey surely influence it...some pple leave for the university caged and inexposed and as such are eager to experiment and as such dey get hurt,but it's better early dan late or Wud u prefer dem learning these wen dey r married nd possibly to the wrong person? It's needed because dere is no such tin as a wasted knowledge so good or bad the person come out wiser,dere myt be scars nd memories but den dey only help for better choices tomorrow so let dem fall but they should get back UP.... Crown-Prince
