Tuesday 15 April 2014

Another bomb explosion ....A stronger resolution...



Hello everyone woke up yesterday to the sad news of the bomb explosion in nyanya bus park Abuja. I was unable to make any post anymore, it may be easy for journals, newspapers and news channels to discuss about this on tv  (no reservations to them ) but it wasn’t news that i wanted to share with anyone??? Why you ask? Here :

I'm a student in one of the biggest universities in sub Saharan Africa, i travel home for the holidays and breaks like every other student, i take buses like any other person, and have loved ones like any other citizen. My point? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ON THAT BUS, MAYBE NOT YOU, BUT SOMEONE U REALLY CARED FOR: A FRIEND , A COUSIN, A BROTHER, A SISTER AN UNCLE , AUNT ,...THE LIST GOES ON...

72 !!,OVER 72 people who were about their personal business,  a mom trying to raise fees for her dear son or daughter, a daughter who was going home for the mid semester break, a father trying to work things out for his family.............sad ,sad indeed. In a country where we believe in the existence of a creator, i can’t imagine an individual would consciously set up explosives in his car and go and detonate it in the midst of innocent people, who had nothing to do with his problems. Tag it Religious, Political or Ethnic, this act is EVIL, MALEVOLENT AND WICKED!!

You know what??  With every bomb explosion we as a people will become more resolute to forge ahead a great nation, a nation that will emerge 10 times better than where it was before the turmoil.  Another thing is the futility of these guys, be it BOKO HARAM or an underground group, i mean if you want to make a real impression, BLOW UP THE ENTIRE NIGERIA!!! Don’t blow up a part and feel good about it , u know why ? , the next day , like today, people are gonna wake up and go back to work , the government officials will go on doing what they do best.....you want to make a real impression? BLOW UP THE ENTIRE NATION, MAY BE INCLUDE AFRICA OR THE WHOLE WORLD, else you failed again , because people will wake up the next day forgetting you existed eating and going about that same thing you killed yourself and innocent people for.

Not up to a week when Nigeria, my own naija , a nation without 24hrs electricity, proper drainage systems, bad educational infrastructures, bad roads and high transport rates, we have been able to make the biggest GDP in AFRICA.....Can you beat that?  What will happen to us when light shows up? Nigeria will stand, Nigeria will thrive and Nigeria will overcome,  as i extend my condolence to the loved ones of those who lost relatives in the incident... i ask that they refuse to let those who have chosen to become monsters , make monsters out of them. Thank you so much….One love

The Publishers
Abugist Blog

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