Tuesday 8 April 2014

Madame you are too fat to fly 1st class.........

At five feet nine inches and just over 400 pounds, Natasha Coleman was, amazingly, unconcerned about her weight. Overeating fattening fried foods and sugary desserts was just normal for her family; exercise was not. And this wasn’t so unusual—most everyone in Natasha’s tight-knit African American community in Panama City, Florida, was heavy.

Naturally competitive, Natasha outperformed her coworkers at her job in phone sales. She was so good at closing deals, her company regularly awarded her with luxury trips for being a top performer. It was on one of these trips, in 2010, that she had an experience so mortifying it changed her life.

"When I got to my seat in first class, I couldn’t maneuver my body into it. I was just too big.” As a flight attendant tried to help, the other passengers began to stare, and what she saw in their eyes cut her to the bone. “The looks these people were giving me were cruel and judgmental, as if they were saying, ‘How dare you be so fat that you hold up this plane?’”

Told she’d have to move to a special seat at the very back of coach, Natasha walked down the center aisle of that plane feeling huge and humiliated. To make matters worse, when she arrived at the extra wide seat, the seat belt wouldn’t fit around her middle, so she had to flag down the flight attendant again and ask for an extender.

Source : huffingtonpost

ooo boy....all things are possible to the believer!!! see babe abeg

Natasha took inspiration from First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign. “I started getting mad at food, mad at being surrounded by unhealthy options, mad at my lifestyle.” Above, Natasha and her daughter fit into a pair of jeans that she wore at her heaviest.

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